Christmas Jewels – Day 9 – Secret Weapon

Christmas Jewels – Lesson 9 – Secret Weapon


Promised you a secret weapon, didn’t I?


I learned about this several years ago.

Then I got some reinforcement in Alicja Jones’ forthcomingg book, Own Your Power.

This super-special, super-secret weapon?

It’s the Purple Transformational Flame of St. Germaine. (Called by some the Violet Flame.)



Why We Need the Purple Transformational Flame of St. Germaine

Energy, as we all know, can not be either created or destroyed.

So – what do we do with these negative thought forms that we’ve been clearing from ourselves?

Thank God (literally). There’s an answer. We apply the cosmic blowtorch. We stuff them into the cosmic bad-stuff incinerator.

We apply the Purple Transformational Flame of St. Germaine.

In Own Your Power (forthcoming in 2014), Alicja Jones notes that:

We can learn to clear our ego selves from all negative thoughts lurking within our energy fields through the visualization technique called Release and Restoration:

Start by bringing in a mental image of the spinning vortexes within you; the energy centers that fuel you – the chakras. See each chakra stacked one on top of each other, from the crown down to the root. Release debris from your chakra column by bringing in a tornado of brilliant white light down through your crown chakra, down through your brow chakra, down through your throat chakra, down through your heart chakra, down through your solar plexus chakra, down through your sacral chakra, and down through your root chakra. Watch as all the specks comes flying out of each chakra. Release all the debris that may be hiding from the events of the day, events from other dimensions, events from other time frames, and events from parallel lives in this dimension.

The white light spins very fast and can move as quickly or as leisurely as you desire, down through your chakras. The debris that is loosened and spun out is gathered and transported out of this dimension by the Purple Transformational Flame of St. Germaine. See the debris being escorted to its next level of evolution. Then ask that the maximum amount of energy your body can hold be given to you during this period of restoration. (October 17)



A Useful Read – Violet Flame Decrees

Decrees are strong, forceful statements that cause a reality shift.

All esoteric lineages have them.

When the Catholic priest says, “You are forgiven,” that’s a decree. He’s using the power invested in him to literally forgive. (We can do this ourselves, we don’t need ordained priests; I’m merely citing a lineage here.) Similarly, when he says, “This is my body” in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, the little wafer becomes – in essence – the Body of Christ.

When a Wiccan Priest or Priestess says, “So mote it be,” that also carries a transformational charge.

When we learn to do affirmations – particularly if we are praying a Prayer of Gratitude for that which we desire – as though it has already manifested – we are performing a decree. We have decreed our thankfulness for what we desire being already so.

Got it? Decrees – done by someone who can put the full force of their faith and belief and conscious intent behind them – are powerful reality-changing devices.

Years ago, I found the book Violet Flame To Heal Body, Mind And Soul (by Elizabeth Clare Prophet) to be very useful. (I’ve since given away my copy. Happens to all my best books.) Use this link and Amazon’s Look Inside feature to get a sense of what the Violet Flame can do. There’s enough there to get started.

Here are some good links:

  • Using the Violet Flame – I like this for its clear four-step guidelines.
  • The Violet Flame – I particularly like this for its more complete explanation and very good example decrees.
  • Why the Violet Flame Can Work – this is a bit more of an in-depth discussion, and if you’re going to use the Violet Flame as an ongoing took, well worth the read. It’s essentially the safety precautions. You wouldn’t just hand a blowtorch to a five-year-old, would you? The Violet Flame is a powerful tool. We need to be aware.





Final Words

I’m writing this on December 31, 2013. (Not sure of when you’ll read this; just a reference point for us.)

We’ve gone through much of the Twelve Days of Solstice (Christmas); I started writing between Dec. 21 and Dec. 25; and will be done in four more Lessons.

Already, I can sense the beginning of the new year. It’s just a feeling-thing.

And it feels very good to start the new year with my intentions very clear about cleaning out the negative stuff. Everything we’ve been learning up through now – thought-forms, blurts, pain-body, forgiveness – and the positive things, such as blessings – all very useful and helpful and good. But it helps to have an edge. That’s the Violet Flame.

As I disengage a negative thought-form (repeatedly, over time – I’m not saying this happens all at once), I sort of loosen it out away from me. Do the forgiveness schtick. On whomever and whatever comes to mind; always involving the person(s)/incident(s)/life-pattern(s) associated with that thought-form – up through and including past lives.

Then do a blessing on the person(s), etc. Sometimes it’s saying “Go in peace, to love and serve the Lord.” This is a very powerful blessing AND a directive; it becomes a decree in its own right. The words are from the tail end of the Roman Catholic Mass; it’s the very last thing the priest says. Well, we can say the same thing.

This is especially useful if someone else’s energy has been entangled in your own; or if they’ve somehow been siphoning energy from you. (Do remember, it takes two to tango; you’d have allowed this at some level or it wouldn’t be there; now it’s your karmic responsibility to clear this stuff out.) But if you’re removing someone else’s energetic patterns from your own, you have to redirect them. A clear, firm directive to “love and serve the Lord” tells them what to do. And in a more calm and beneficial way than we might otherwise use.

Finally, I apply the Violet Flame (sometimes with decrees) to the remaining thought-form. It doesn’t disintegrate right away for me – because I’m clearing out a LOT of stuff. But bit by bit, these negative thought-forms are loosening their grip, and becoming less dense and heavy, and I’m feeling a whole lot better about life.

So – why not try this? At least, investigate. Read through the links provided, and consider adding this to your arsenal of tools that you’ll use for the year ahead.

Many blessings – and Happy New Year!

yours with love and laughter –




Previous Pages in the Twelve Days of Solstice: Falling in Love with Yourself